Debunking Common Myths Around AC and HVAC Systems

With so many misconceptions around AC and HVAC systems, it’s time to dispel the myths and give you the facts.

Myth 1: You Don’t Have to Change the Filter Regularly

One common myth around AC unit and HVAC installation is that once it’s installed, you don’t have to do anything anymore. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. It is vitally important to change your filter regularly, usually once every 3 months. If you have pets or if the appliance is in continuous use, it may be necessary to change the filter more frequently. A dirty filter can reduce efficiency, causing your system to use more energy and wear down more quickly.

Myth 2: Size Doesn’t Matter

When it comes to AC repair and AC maintenance, some people tend to believe that the size of your unit doesn’t matter, that bigger is always better. This is simply not true. A unit that’s too large for your space will not effectively remove humidity, leading to a damp, cool environment. On the other hand, a unit too small will struggle to cool down your space adequately.

Myth 3: Thermostat Position Doesn’t Affect Cooling

Another widely held belief is that the position of your thermostat doesn’t affect your HVAC service. But in reality, if your thermostat is placed near a warm window or a heat-generating appliance, it may cause the AC to run longer than necessary. Consider ASTM installation requirements and recommendations for ideal thermostat positioning.

Myth 4: Turning the Temperature Down will Speed Up Cooling

There is a prevalent myth that if you want your space to cool faster, you simply need to turn down the thermostat. HVAC systems in locations like Calera, AL, Columbiana, AL, Hoover, AL, Alabaster, AL, Chelsea, AL & Pelham, AL work at a constant speed. Adjusting the temperature will not accelerate the cooling process, but it might put unnecessary strain on your AC.

Keep these debunked myths in mind to ensure optimal efficiency and longer lifespan for your HVAC system. Contact Carden Heating & Cooling for professional assistance on HVAC installation and AC repair.